Health Plans / Payers
Verify the professional credentials of pharmacist providers
The pharmacy as we know it is changing. The role of pharmacists as patient care providers is continuing to evolve and expand.
Pharmacy Profiles is the first trusted and verified repository of pharmacist providers. It’s designed to ensure that the pharmacists in your provider networks or with whom you otherwise collaborate possess the necessary credentials to provide an ever-growing array of patient care services that both enhance outcomes and contain costs.
You can track pharmacist’s advanced credentials with our verification service. We stand alone in the industry in offering you a trusted record of immunization training, medication therapy management certificates, advanced diabetes educator certifications, and nearly 200 other advanced practice credentials.
Our credentials tracking service is also state-specific, tailored to the ever-changing state requirements governing pharmacy practice. Let us help you to build and maintain networks of highly qualified pharmacist providers, customized for your individual market needs.
Services for Health Plans / Payers
Let us help you to build and maintain networks of highly qualified pharmacist providers, customized for your individual market needs.
Pharmacy Profiles, a subsidiary of the American Pharmacists Association, is the nation’s first single source repository of the nation’s pharmacist providers. We collect, maintain, and verify pharmacists’ professional information, enabling them to unlock their full potential as trusted health care providers.
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Custom Services
Leverage third-party verified information on pharmacists.
Credentials Verification
Verify the professional credentials of pharmacist providers.